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"I Dont Wanna Exercise..." Wilson Family Chiropractic Says, "Exercise, Millville!"

Are you tired of being told to do exercises for your lower back pain or neck pain by your Millville chiropractor? Of course! A magnitude of our Millville back pain and neck pain patients are. It's almost natural to ignore the need to do our spine exercises so that we can watch television, study, go to a party, etc. ANYTHING BUT HAVING TO DO THOSE DANG BACK EXERCISES - TOO BORING!!! Well, you know what Wilson Family Chiropractic would say ("Do them!"), but what does the literature say about doing them?

Let's first consider the magnitude of lower back pain suffering and its being a worldwide health problem affecting up to 80% of adult population. Then, you'll see that basic care must be given to all of us in Millville and around the world to stop back pain as well as treat it. Wilson Family Chiropractic's chiropractic services and exercises are important to handle it physically while back school demonstrates effectiveness for people with chronic non-specific low back pain in managing the psychological factors that are often connected in its development and maintenance.

Chiropractic and exercise for extensor muscles.So first, a study by Davarian et al shows that patients with chronic low back pain and clinical instability showed lower muscle exertion and higher or quicker "time to fatigue" compared to healthy subjects. Strength training of trunk extensor muscles can be considered as part of the treatment protocol for chronic low back pain. (1) 

  1. "Progressive Dynamic Spine Stabilization Exercise Protocols", when performed in the thoracic spine (the middle spine from the mid-shoulder area to the lower back), trigger improved postural stability which were designed for different spinal segments.
  2. Thoracic spine exercises can be considered a hidden source for improving overall postural stability, weight distribution, and somatosensory reactions, too. (2)

Then, a research study involving fifty patients with chronic non-specific lower back pain who were randomly allocated to a group:

  • Treatment Group participated to an intensive, multidisciplinary Back School program.
  • Control Group received medical assistance.

Well, you know how some of us older Millville folks, as we age, experience a feeling of imbalance and sometimes bump into walls. Well, a little Millville exercise may well reverse this imbalance trend. But incorporating proprioceptive-type exercises with a training class called “Back School” has great benefit for the chronic low back pain patient. This particular back pain study shows this to be true:

Significant improvements in terms of quality of life, disability and pain were reported in the treatment group patients.

These results suggest that Back School has positive effects physically and mentally. (3)

Back pain may be depressing.As you, the low back pain sufferer or friend or family of one, know: back pain may be depressing. Therefore, Wilson Family Chiropractic understands the importance of teaching the lower back pain patient to avoid back pain triggers and encourages a beneficial home exercise program to correct the postural stability of the patient.

Happiness is chiropractic back pain relief.


Pain relief is our goal. But Wilson Family Chiropractic strives to treat the whole patient with a combined approach of our non-surgical treatment with Cox Technic and patient education to alleviate low back pain and its other side-effects.

So, contact Wilson Family Chiropractic to implement this healing art of chiropractic care now.

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