Quality of life. That is the central
factor in aging well and taking pleasure in life to its fullest.
Wilson Family Chiropractic is privileged to work with
Millville chiropractic patients to boost their chances
of aging well and relishing the best quality of life
possible. Millville back pain patients understand
that knowing what factors might adversely impact
their quality of life and their options to lessen the
influence of those factors.
Musculoskeletal diseases like osteoporosis, knee arthritis,
disc degeneration and related back pain lower
quality of life. These conditions often arise in mid-life and
older life, making life not very pleasant.
Researchers found factors that seem to reduce
the odds of suffering with these conditions.
What are they? Lower body mass index (BMI). Good spinal alignment.
Greater back muscle strength. No issue with locomotion syndrome –
difficulty moving from one position to
another, one place to another. Stable body balance. With such good factors in place, middle aged and older folks can enjoy
a better quality of life. (1) Further, since lumbar spine extensor muscles are known
to be key factors in motor control functions
like balance, attempts to strengthen these explicitly
are critical to try to turn around
such problems as balance control. (2) Exercise is often a part
of the chiropractic treatment plan for Millville back pain patients.
Wilson Family Chiropractic realizes that back pain sufferers have many options of care from which to pick and shares what the
researchers say about the options.
To benefit most out of an option, the
circumstances must be optimal. Back
surgery may not always be the best option for every Millville
back pain patient. Undergoing back surgery does not always produce
fully the desired outcome, especially for
patients with back pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis. The pain and disability
that accompany it stayed around for 29% to 42%
of patients who supposedly experienced minimal
to no benefit from back surgery. (3) Today’s guidelines of care for back pain propose
non-surgical options like spinal manipulation as the first step.
Chiropractic care incorporates spinal manipulation.
Chiropractic care at Wilson Family Chiropractic incorporates Cox®
Technic flexion distraction decompression spinal manipulation to get
the desired pain reduction outcome.
Chiropractic researchers are presently looking
into the specific effects of chiropractic care’s
spinal manipulation on balance, strength and endurance improvement in patients with low back pain, especially
active military personnel as 20% of all disability discharges were related to back pain. (4) Low back pain is a familiar
reason for disability in the military. Seeing as
how military personnel are people like the rest of us, this
study’s results will be interesting! Another study that added
chiropractic - spinal
manipulative therapy to the low back and adjacent regions along with other therapeutic
approaches like rehabilitative exercise,
cryotherapy, superficial heat, and other manual therapies - to usual medical
care - self-care, medications, physical therapy, and pain clinic referral – improved
short-term outcomes in low back pain intensity and disability in active duty
military. (5) Wilson Family Chiropractic collects these positive
studies to share with our Millville back pain patients.
CONTACT Wilson Family Chiropractic
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. Michael McMurray on The
Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he details
his care of a back pain patient who attained relief with The Cox®
Technic System of Spinal Manipulation, improved his quality of life notwithstanding his lumbar
spinal stenosis condition.
Schedule your next Millville chiropractic visit.
Together, you and Wilson Family Chiropractic will set a course to make sure
your quality of life in middle and older age is as pleasant as
possible without the harmful influence of back pain and other
uncomfortable musculoskeletal diseases.